
Iron-On Patches: How To Attach Easily | Do It Yourself

Your peers might have asked you to throw that ancient pair of jeans rocking tears on its knees into the bin now for the millionth time. But it’s your favorite pair of jeans how could you let it go like that? Then your creative (stubborn) mind experienced a eureka moment and decides to call iron-on patches to the rescue. 

Iron-on cloth badges are a versatile and fun way to personalize and breathe new life into your clothes, bags, and other fabric items. Whether you want to add a touch of creativity to a plain jacket or cover up a tear in your favorite jeans, iron-on cloth badges are an easy and stylish solution. 

In this article, we will take you through a simple guide consisting of 10 steps to apply iron-on patches effectively, the essentials needed for the process, and some extra tips and precautions for the best results.

Let’s dive into the list of items you will be needing to get this job done:

Items Needed:

-An Iron-on patch of your choice

-Garment or fabric item you want to decorate or repair

-An iron (preferably without steam)

-A thin, clean cloth or parchment paper

-Flat, hard surface (ironing board or table)

Now that you have prepared the list of essential supplies, gather these items nearby. Let’s move forward toward the step-by-step tutorial for applying iron-on badges.

Step-by-Step Guide To Iron-On Patches

Step 1: Choose the Right Patch

Whether you have DIYed your patch or got it made from a store, decide carefully where you will attach it. Select iron-on embroidery patches that match the design and color scheme you desire. Be sure to check the patch’s size and shape, ensuring it fits the area on your garment where you intend to apply it.

Step 2: Preparing Your Garment

Before you start the process, prepare your garment for the procedure following the right guidelines. Ensure the fabric item you wish to decorate or repair is clean, dry, and wrinkle-free to achieve an effortless look. If it’s a new garment, quickly wash it and allow it to dry completely before proceeding. Now, lay the fabric on the ironing board.

Step 3: Positioning the Patch

Choosing the right location for your patch is a crucial step. Neglecting this step may cost you a beautiful patch or a whole lot of hard work. Carefully lay down the iron-on cloth badge on the surface where you want to attach it. If you wish for more accurate results, use measure tape to determine the right location for your emblem. Use pins or fabric chalk to mark the exact position if needed. Place your patch in your desired location, like sleeves or chest, and have a look in the mirror before attaching it. This step will give you a more clear idea of your final results. Make sure the patch is in the right direction and location before proceeding.

Step 4: Heat Up the Iron

Align the temperature of your iron according to the fabric you are working with. Refer to the garment’s care instructions for the correct heat setting. Fine and soft fabrics like fleece may need low heat, while cotton can tolerate medium to slightly high heat. 

If you’re dealing with sturdy fabrics like denim, you can turn the heat to high. If your iron allows you to select specific fabric settings, go for it. Usually, most fabrics will work well with medium to high settings.

Step 5: Protect the Fabric

Protecting your fabric surface from heat is a crucial step. Place a thin pressing cloth or a sheet of paper used for custom iron on patches between your patch and the fabric. The cloth or sheet will act as a barrier and protect your fabric from burning or potential damage caused by the heat applied. 

Step 6: Apply heat

Place the hot iron on the surface onto the patch laying on your desired fabric surface and press firmly. Apply consistent pressure and press down your iron onto the patch. Make sure you are not moving your iron, even a subtle movement can result in displacement of the patch. If you know your way around cloth badges, you can try moving the iron in small circular motions over the patch. Hold down your iron for about 20 to 30 seconds with constant pressure to ensure even heating. Some patches can also tolerate up to 60 seconds of constant heat. Please follow the care instruction provided with your patch to figure out the right time required for your patch to attach to the surface. 

Step 7: Check Adhesion

Gently lift the pressing cloth and check the patch for adhesion. If they seem not fully attached, reapply the pressing cloth and iron over them again for a few more seconds. Repeat the ironing process for an additional 60 seconds this time to be sure your patch has successfully attached to the garment. 

Step 8: Allow to Cool

After the patch is securely attached, remove the pressing cloth and turn off the iron. Allow the garment to cool down for a few minutes to ensure that the adhesive sets properly.

Step 9: Test Adhesion

Before wearing or washing the garment, perform a light tug on the edges of the cloth badges to ensure they are firmly attached. If any edges lift, repeat the ironing process. For better results, do the flip and repeat the step. Flip your fabric and repeat the whole ironing process from the other side of the patch to make sure your patch has securely attached to the surface. 

Step 10: Follow Care Instructions

Once the patch is securely attached, follow any care instructions provided with the patch. Generally, hand washing or using a gentle cycle on your washing machine is recommended to prolong the life of the patches.


Ironing on patches can be a fun and creative way to customize clothing and accessories. By following this step-by-step guide, you can confidently apply iron-on badges with ease, ensuring a durable and stylish result that adds a personal touch to your favorite items. Remember to take your time, use proper heat settings, and adhere to care instructions to enjoy your cloth badges for a long time.

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